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Monday, September 28, 2009

Coyote hunting

Could I? No I can't pull the trigger on any living animal other then a camera-trigger, preferably with Canon or Nikon (probably said so in an earlier post). But Alberta, and Canada in general, is also about hunting. And that is for some an integral part of their live. Starting september, or something, the season starts and they take off to the woods to hunt for deer, coyotes and what not else. In the fields surrounding our acreage they hunt, you can hardly call it that, for geese. The set up decoys and start shooting geese out of the sky. Last saturday I went to get the paper when I heard 10 shots fired rapidly, close by. Then I saw them in the fields adjacent to our property. Hunting is part of life here; as where in Holland I basicly never heard of it. Let alone know somebody who would hunt. It's part of the Canadian culture I particularly do not like, on the other hand it is probably necessary to control the number of wildlife. And in the foothills of the Rockies chances are you get stalked and killed by a grizzly, you are nothing more then a foodsource, most likely a pretty fat one too, and then they are the hunter. And there is no getting away; the run and climb faster and knock your head off with one blow.
If you want to read an how-to article on coyote-hunting then click here.

Friday, September 25, 2009

24 Years

Bloody hell, what a long time. But still going strong on a different continent even. Who would have thought back then we would end up here, some 5000 miles away. Meanwhile the location we had our party, "Huize Den Treek", has been sold to the previous owner of "Tuut-tuut, Super De Boer" who restored (or still is restoring) the place to its old grandeur. But anyways here we are, 24 years later, in Rolly View, Alberta, Canada. Back then the travel and/or immigration plans were out of the window (forgotten, chickened out... or whatever). A, then, friend of ours did go to New Zealand, never heard of or seen him again (I tried twice though, even sent him a moving card).
There was a little setback, workwise, the last couple of weeks. As always we will overcome it and turn it into a positive development. There are so many dogs out here who need a grooming and Joka can provide just that. When we met in 1980 she recented dogs and took a hike when she saw one. The German shepard dog, Imme, we had back then broke the ice for her and she found her way with dogs. Even better, the dogs found and find her. Clearly she is a natural, even overcoming Rottweiler fear.
Next year I will post a proper wedding-photo on out 25th. By the way I have no clue as to the contents of the above kit. Any ideas?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Again A New Task Assigned

Again a new task is assigned to me within M&D Drafting. I have been made responsible for maintaining and further develop the M&D Drafting Standards, a document that all draftspeople have to follow when creating the drawings. My past as a structural drafter combined with almost 20 years of 3D Solid Modeling experience as a user and developer led to asking me. I kindly reminded my boss to me being a Bachelor of Archtectural and Structural Engineering as in being the perfect choise, right. And I take every job, no matter what, have a big mouth and then facing the problems of living up to that. This approach always works for me, it makes you inventive in defeating the problem or computer. In which you always succeed, as for now computers can't think only follow orders. I think it is a fun job, makes you understand the underlying drafting process and can help to further enhancing the 3D system by our IT department of which I am no part, yet (But do I want to?). You also have to work with Waiward engineers, and engineers in general are a special breed anyways. I know from experience. And that is not a bad thing, only the approach differs towards each one and working with people generally suites me well. Also the shop needs to have their say, as they actually do the fabrication. The magnitude, if any, of this task I do not know yet. Maybe it's only maintenance, developing is more fun and challanging (!!). In that department I have a strong mind of my own and that sometimes gets in the/my way, but the fun part of being fity bloody one is you know and therefor can handle it appropriately and/or get out of your own way and still go your own way.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Task Assigned

M&D Drafting is going to be ISO certified by September 2010. For that certification all different diciplines within our organisation have to have procedures ready to incorporate into the ISO manual. I have been given the task to represent the Project Coordinators. And guess what; we already finalized our duties and procedures the last couple of months. If it fits the ISO procedure remains to be seen, but we developed them in light of the ISO procedure. It will be a big task to get it all done, so a workable situation and of course a profitable one will see the light. Besides it being a nice job to do it also gives you insight in the structure of the company and above all to improve it. A management information system needs to be designed and implemented. Maybe i can be of assistance there too!

Monday, September 21, 2009


We decided to eat steaks for supper. We still had three 1-1/2 inch thick tenderloin steaks, really the best, left from a previous BBQ. I decided to cut them down to 6 3/4 inch thick steaks and marinated them with onion-garlic steak-sauce. That really tastes good. So I took the steakes outside, put them beside the BBQ and needed a fork. Went inside to get it, took me no more than 10 seconds. Returning outside I see Vos chewing on something; can't be. YES he took the opportunity, once he was a Greek stray-dog, and snitched 2(!!) steaks and probably without a chew swallowed them. Actually it was a funny situation, but I had to be mad at him and sent him off to his place. He could not resist himself and took advantage of an opportunity given to him. Who wouldn't? And I even don't blame him. I think even dear old Mac would go for the steaks, only she needs a lot more time. The remaining 4 steaks were grilled to perfection, of course, and tasted very good.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yesterday we had a combined birthday party with Ralf and Anke. Also present was another German couple with their 14 year old son. At a certain point in the conversations mum was saying he should take lessons to keep up with his German speaking and writing skills. Everybody was in favour of that, except (of course?) me. He is 14 years old, picking up English very rapidly, learning new words and phrases without knowing the German equivalent, his pronounciation is excellent (we as adults will never accomplish that, we're to old) and then sent him off learning German? For what reason? Because it is his mothertonque? Maybe he needs it in the future for translations or if he wants to go back to Germany was argued. No valid reasons in my book. He is 14, transforming rapidly into a English speaking 14 year old. Why hold on to something so desperately when you left in search for a better future in the first place. He is embracing it, coping with it and by the looks of it, loving every moment of it. No I would definitly NOT sent him off to re-learn German, but as Joka says "You detach easily!"

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hotel New Style???

"EDINBURGH -De Schotse autoriteiten lieten de LibiĆ«r op 20 augustus uit humanitaire overwegingen vrij. Megrahi heeft prostaatkanker en hooguit nog enkele maanden te leven." 

"AMSTERDAM - Een 23-jarige gedetineerde is woensdag tijdens zijn verlof ontsnapt. De Eindhovenaar mocht onder begeleiding van drie medewerkers van de gevangenis in Vught het graf van zijn moeder bezoeken." 

"DEN HAAG - Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) zal er alles aan doen om de ontsnapte mensenhandelaar Saban B. weer achter slot en grendel te krijgen. Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin van Justitie is net als het OM onthutst en geschokt over wat er is gebeurd. B., die vorig jaar werd veroordeeld tot 7,5 jaar cel, is sinds zaterdag spoorloos. Het gerechtshof in Arnhem had hem voor een week vrijgelaten om bij zijn vrouw en pasgeboren kind te kunnen zijn. Voorwaarde was wel dat hij zich dagelijks bij de politie meldde. Na vrijdag heeft hij dat niet meer gedaan."

"EDMONTON — Convicted police killer Albert F. is believed to be on his way to Edmonton after being granted statutory release Friday."

I can think of truckloads remarks on these happenings, but I won't. Other than that it worries me. I let the title speak for itself.

2nd Stage Lodgement Completed

Finally our application for Permanent Residence in Canada has been lodged to the Canadian Embassy in Berlin. It got a bit exciting in the end as the results of my IELTS test had not yet arrived at the Migration Bureau London Office, they were supposedly send by MacEwan College here in Edmonton. Obviously Canadian and British Mail service is slow, document was sent on Friday September 4th. So last Wednesday I decided to sent my original test results with Fedex to London, where it was delivered on Friday morning 11:09AM London time, setting us back $80 for ONE letter. JIT=Just In Time and what in eighty bucks on 30(?) some years. Our application was initially lodged to Berlin on February 4th 2007, registered on May 11th 2007, responded to on May 22nd 2009 and completed on September 21st 2009, exactly within the 4 months CIC timeframe. Now the wait for the medical has begun, and I am really hoping we can go to the US border this year to make a U-turn to re-enter Canada and obtain our PR-status. If and when that happens it took us 3 years and 6 months from original idea in Brasschaat to actual obtaining the Landed Immigrant Status and bear in mind they call this the simplified application. You have no idea how many documents, forms, translations and exhibits we have provided and produced in the past 3 years and I must say most of the time it was fun to do, sometimes digging in the past like this shows how your life has evolved and progessed. And with that I now realize how important a proper education is, cause thats the base of our immigration. Who would have thought you needed that again at the age of fifty bloody one. Next step? Canadian Citizenship? Who knows!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Exit Anonymous

I always expected people to have the decency to identify him- or herself when commenting on my posts. A couple of posts ago someone, with no balls, left a comment on my Tang post. "Dit is echt gezever om niets! Ook tijd om niet te zeveren als je in Canada woont!" the comment read, where the second part makes no sense at all to me; other then "You fucked off to Canada, so shut up", but my blog it still read by this faceless someone. I do not object he or she having a different opinion, I strongly resist the fact it is posted anonymously. Which tells me a lot; he or she does not care about trust at all, hence he or she can't be trusted. If you call breaching trust, being a member of parliament, "zeveren" then you have a serious problem. I leave it at this because to strong a words come to mind, and in this post I have used quite some already.
Again I do not mind not agreeing with me, but leave your name, mine is known thru this blog. So the anonymous commenting possibility disappeared.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

(To) Hot.....

When I went home today it was hot outside, just about 32 degrees Celcius, way too much for me. In the office we have, thank you very much, airco. And any weather condition passes you by, since all windows have a 50% see-thru shutter, and needless to say I am concentrated on the job (and stockmarkets). Only wind and rain are noticed and heared, and luckily for us it does not rain very much here in Edmonton-Leduc-RollyView. Downside of this heat is in most cases a thunderstorm develops in the early evening, but not today. They are a wonderful phenomena, except of course when it hits yourself, awesome to watch too. Have not seen a twister (also a movie with good looking Helen Hunt) yet.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

180 clicks of nothing...

The hike up the glacier made us wanting to eat something. I visioned a steak, French fries and a coleslaw. At the Saskatchewan Crossing (Highway 11 and Icefields Parkway) we knew a place to eat. As we got out of the car both of our legs felt like rubber, we did not feel very fit. We went inside to find out we were too early for a steak. Only burgers and sandwiches available, I ordered a chicken-burger as in a low-fat burger, Joka the real deal. Indeed it came with French fries and some coleslaw. But my burger was thrown in the with the French fries, so ridiculously fat, felt like a brick. The pop always comes with a refill, we were thirsty too. We took a look at the tourist-shop before we went out on our way to Rocky Mountain House, 180 km to the east. If you want to experience loneliness, come over and drive that highway. Halfway you can pull over into the town of Nordegg, after that there is nothing as in absolutely nothing. "No service for the next 92 km" is the last sign of life after passing Nordegg. This Highway 11 is nicknamed "The Road Less Travelled", and we know now that is actually correct. Abraham Lake stretches for 35 km along HWY 11, with absolutely no sign of life on or alongside of it whatsoever. No tents, RV's or boats in sight. I actually enjoy driving it, although I admit seeing the outskirts of Rocky Mountain House was a pleasant sight. Lets go to Timmie Ho for a coffee before turning north onto HWY 22; easier said than done, it is the last building on your right on the south side of town. But a Cappucino English Toffee tastes very good and is tooth-cracking sweet. After 180 clicks its worth the drive.

Monday, September 14, 2009

At the Athabasca Glacier

After visiting the Athabasca falls we approached the Athabasca glacier and were debating if we would take the hike and go up there. In 2006 we drove by cause of the crowd as I was sure we would return and I hate crowds (I know its single-minded). This time we decided to go up and take a closer look. When you drive to the parking lot you find signs beside the road with years onto it. Its starts at 1890 end end with 1992 and that is quite a long way, 2000 metres at least if I take a look with Google Earth. You can argue the melting is natures way and not because of the so called climate change; industrial revolution was just starting in 1890. Anyways while walking up the pretty steep hill we, again, came across a hurde of Germans. Nothing wrong with that but it seems they are everywhere from Jasper to the glacier. One if them commented "If I were here in 1982 the hike was done by now" with the steepest part still to come, I admit my sudden cultural reading and taking pictures was resting on the steep climb. I was listening to the guide for a while and he was telling the glacier melted down by 500 tons a day and you indeed could hear the water flowing at the end of the glacier, and it is a lot. Probably we all have seen the Artic Ice crumbling down into the sea, here that crumbling happens too as large pieces of ice fall onto the rocks and melts away. The glacier itself is a beautiful piece of ice, deep clear green-blue looking into the cracks, and awesome pruduct of nature itself and its hard to believe that in about 100 years the glacier is gone and is replaced by a lake surrounded by trees.

End of Summer Rockies Weekend

At last we could plan a trip to the Rockies, Joka had a weekend off. We decided to go to Jasper and use our little iglo-tent. Probably it would be cold and cold it was in the morning. We woke up at 7:15 due to the cold and some squirrels throwing pinecones onto our tent and of course I needed to use the restroom. I put on my flipflops, shorts and t-shirt thinking the sun would warm me up. I sat at our table for a while and after a couple of minutes I realized I was being stupid. Jeans, socks, proper shoes and a hoody soon found their way onto me. Still my head was cold and a woolen hat complemented my outfit, always be prepared for the cold in Canada. After cleaning up and packing my hands were so cold I had to put on gloves; I was not alowed to come near to my beloved Joka. Don't know why! In Jasper it was nice and warm again and we had breakfast at the "Soft Rock Cafe". Pretty good and tasty. We were wondering what people thought of us, while we were making comments, between ourselves, on almost everybody in the establishment. If you don't like what you see, just look the other way is my moto nowadays, makes life much easier.
Onward (also a nice Yes-song on the Tormato album) we went on the Icefields Parkway to the shrinking Athabasca Glacier. We decided that we would go see the Rockies every season, after all we live close by now. I especially want to see the Athabasca river during spring coping with meltwater collected from the mountains. The waterfalls must be brutal by then. Fall must be awesome too, with all the colourings. I think we have to go soon to observe fall, its approaching rapidly. In winter we will go to the hot-springs, this weekend it was too hot, close to 30 degrees, we decided and checking out the campground we felt the woods closing in on us a bit; too dense and too small campsites.


"Wine and Water: to my friends who enjoys a glass of wine.. . and those who don't.
As Ben Franklin said:
In wine there is wisdom,
in beer there is freedom,
in water there is bacteria ..

In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in faeces..

In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop.

However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whisky or other liquor), because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.

Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health .

Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit .
There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service."

Whether there is any truth in the above I did not check, but I can imagine its truthful.
But remember there its water in wine and beer too!!!

"PvdA-Kamerlid Paul Tang bekent lekken begrotingscijfers"

Niet te vertrouwen die politici, je zou op hem gestemd hebben. Kom je toch mooi van een koude kermis thuis. O ja, hij mag een maand lang het woord niet voeren. Poe poe... Wat een "straf". En "Dat is de maximale straf volgens het Reglement van Orde van de Tweede Kamer voor het schenden van vertrouwelijkheid". Mijn broek blijft afzakken.

Wees een vent of een vrouw: laat je naam zien als je commentaar hebt.

Update 09-15-09:
Beautiful, hit that Tang guy, and the others responsible too, like a ton of bricks. He is not worth your trust. He breaches it to suit his self proclaimed importance.

Update 10-02-09:
It going the way it should, hopefully they have the balls to act.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Salmon Recipes

On this beautiful date 9-9-9 I will provide you with some tasty salmon recipes. If you don't like salmon you can always turn the date upside-down, right. Anyways start with a salmon fillet of about 1 kg, enough for 4, costing about $18 you can cook/grill the next recipes, all of whom are very tasteful, to say the least. Do it either at home or at the campground BBQ, it always works. Instead of farmed salmon you can use the wild version; it's darker and tastes stronger. I don't like the wild variety very much with the listed recipes.

Salmon on a Cedar plank:
Soak the plank for about 4 hours in plain water. Sprinkle coarse salt on it along with a fair amount of olive oil. Couple of slices of lemon on the salmon (or sprinkled) together with some ground dried garlic (Red onion-rings tastes good too). If you don't have a lid on your BBQ then make one with alu-foil (like an oven). You will taste the cedar. Its a combination of grilling and smoking. Very good. A heavily charred plank means more flavour into the salmon, so play with the heat.

Salmon with Montreal Steak Seasoning:
Take a sheet of alu-foil, sprinkle it with olive oil and put the salmon on top of it. Distribute a tablespoon of mayonaisse over the salmon, squeeze half a lemon on top of the salmon. Sprinkle a fair amount Montreal Steak Seasoning on top of it, not too much or the salmon is wrecked. Fold the alu-foil around the fish into a nice package. If need be put a extra layer of alu around it.

Salmon ala Joke&Marco:
Start is the same as second one. Sprinkle the fish with lemon-juice and a good amonnt of dried and ground garlic. Now cover the fish with ABC Ketjap Manis (please NO Conimex, go to your local Indonesian Toko and buy the real stuff, in Canada sold at the Superstore for only $2.95), don't be shy, just a lot of it. Again make a nice package with the alu-foil.

Leave on meadium hot grill, with the lid closed, for about 15-20 minutes; depending on how well-done you want the salmon to be and the thickness. Serve it with (spinach-)tagliatelle and stir-fried fresh spinach (with fresh garlic) and you have a wonderful, easy and quick lunch or supper. Serve a glass of chilled white wine to complete it.
Only use a little extra salt on the first recipe, the others don't need it and will be ruined.

I am Good

Normally I do not pride myself, but every couple of years, lets say 26, you are permitted. Listed below is the comment on a design I did for a rotating chute for Alpac in Boyle, where I went last week.

"My compliments to Marco, it is very obvious from his sketches that he is quite skilled at designing and draughting."

So now you know too. This chute is like a pair of pants that can rotate 90 degrees to feed either 1 and 3 or 2 and 4 of 4 conveyor belts, with woodchips. Nice guy this Michel Figeat.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

IELTS again

Again, 3rd time, I had to sit the IELTS test. The first one, done twice in 2006 (because all my marks needed to be 7 or higher), had expired. For Canadian Immigration it is only valid for one year, the argues. For the now I have no clue why. Will try to find out. I am, again, not sure on the results, last time it turned out pretty well. So hopefully I improved a little. We will know shortly, 13 days after testing it is sent in the post, which is about today. Sitting the test is no fun at all. The examiners think the are the centre of the universe. Your passport is checked twice, even compared next to your face. Nothing can be taken into the exam-room, apparently they think anything can be used as a recording device. They are really unfriendly too, rude even. The entire day I have not heard the word "please" which, in ordinairy English/Canadian, is used almost every other sentence. No it were/are real bitches, not even nice asses. By the way, in Amsterdam it was exactly the same. No nice people at all. But the fun part is, in the end they only collect some papers and make nice stacks of it and turn it over to the real examiners. Really important, right.
But I passed, not brilliantly, 75 out of 100. Not bad, but I expected it to be higher. Allways the nerd, eh!
So if we get the request for the medical, that will be the last hurdle to Landed Immigrant aka Permanent Resident status. I would be nice to have it all finalized this year, so another minor stress-issue will be history.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Our mount

It's finally done. The previous owner, Glen who is a plumber, finished constructing the septic-tank mount. And a mount it is. About 15 meters long and 6 wide. A huge thing. The county required it, based on our 4 bathrooms, to be this size. The county inspector, this was his first mount, is on a mission. It needs to be fully up to standards otherwise he will not approve it. Which in turn costs Glen his plumbing ticket (permit) and has to apply for a new one. So it is serious business to please this inspector. $10.000 dollars of gravel, sand, gravel-sand and black soil went into/on it, along with quite the sum of hours. Way more then he ever expected at the time we closed the deal. $2500 would do, before he met the inspector, that is. Done by a contractor the mount would set you back $25000 at least. We are very happy to have made this mount part of the contract and to have Bruce inspect the septic-tank. That was $200 very well spend.
Depending on the type of septic you have, a drain field or a mount is used. We have the latter, and you could describe it as a above ground septic field. It takes all the liquids, pumped out of the tanks and distributed thru a internal pipe system across the mount. The white pipes are there in case of an infarct and are then used to dotter the mount. Seeding the grass is the last thing required but we wait for some rain and for the mount to settle a bit.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Camping out

Take your fifth wheel, trailer or truck-camper (the one I prefer), drive to a quite place and start camping for a view days. Even a tent will do. The Canadians use it all. Especially on long weekends, like we have now (September 7th is labour-day), everybody takes off to somewhere. Of course to the Rockies but north of Edmonton are also great camping sites and possibilities; vast lakes for boating, smaller ones and rivers for fishing. Hiking is popular too, and there are literally endless hiking trails. But beware of the bear especially papa and mama bear, allways make noise when you're walking or biking the trails. The bear does not want to encounter you and if you do make yourself larger; chances are it will back off. No need to run or climb a tree; its faster and is a expert tree climber. If you are attacked by a black bear fight it fiercely, with a grizzly on the other hand your best way to survive is to play dead. If you run in to the bear; well then you are just plain unlucky. And at the end of a camping out day with no bear encounters, indeed a BBQ and a campfire or use the campfire for the BBQ. Depends whether you are hungry or not. In British Columbia there are roadsigns asking "Is your campfire out?" We saw that for the first time when we left the campsite of the photo, Manning Park, back in July 07.
For us it is pretty difficult to go camping; Joka works in a shop and given the fact shops here are open 7 days a week we find it hard to plan a camping trip. One trip is already in the books: Alaska. Next summer we are gonna take "The scenic route to Alaska". This is actually a roadsign on Highway 16 West near the town of Edson.

Oh Shit....

Take a look at this one or click on the picture
A classic case of the above mentioned.
Them fifth wheels are so incredibly high, I think about 4 metres (13-14 feet). My truck is 1,93 high and it fits easily twice in the height of that fifth wheel. Do you math and be very carefull towing that height especially at a service station or something like that. (Like we say in Holland "Boem is ho", actually that could be English too).

Update 09-07-09: Look here for some more pictures. Not that bad as it seems.

Shopping Carts

Again I was waiting for Joka, this Saturday afternoon, to pick her up from work. I was waiting in my truck observing the parking lot. Next to the grey (or is it gray) car was another one parked. The owner approched that car and transferred his items into the trunc. Didn't move, touched or looked at the cart again and drove of. Lately it is pretty windy here in Edmonton, and I have seen wind proppelled carts driving by without a customer. So that loose cart can easily hit and damage your car. It would be fun to sue the PetSmart for that. I wonder if one would succeed. A couple of minutes later the owner of the grey/gray car arrived acompanied by a passenger. They talked for a minute when the passenger door opened. An empty milkshake cup was placed on the tarmac and they drove off. Nowadays at the bottom of an email message you probably find this "Please consider the environment before printing this message!!" Does that passenger considers this. Probably not, too studpid to operate email anyways.

Note from Wikipedia: Grey became the established British spelling in the 20th century and it is but a minor variant in American English, according to dictionaries. Canadians tend to prefer grey. The non-cognate greyhound was never grayhound. Both Grey and Gray are found in proper names everywhere in the English-speaking world.

Friday, September 4, 2009

.22 Hollow Points

These are used on gophers here in rural Alberta, according to the previous owner that is. "It is fun to do and they explode so nicely". I found 2 of these bullets when we were cleaning the house back in July. We only have one gopher (hopefully) and I could not hit them with an M16 in automatic mode probably. That is if I could pull the trigger en keep my eyes open, both are most unlikely. But then again, if you watch "Caddyshack" you might change your mind. In the summertime you do not see the gophers much but in wintertime, on the snow, you see them all over the place and people on skidoos with rifles hunting them using the .22 probably.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A year ago

Don't know if its a coincidence or just plain luck, today I received my official business card from M&D. Probably this means they want to keep me. A few months ago I also did receive my name tage, to be attached to my cubicle. So it is not really an issue, right.
Today I went way up north, 2 hours drive to a woodchip mill in Boyle, also this was my first field/site trip. Yes a coordinator goes around these days, eh. This is a nice animation on how they operate, it is like the mill The Axman (Discovery Channel) talk about. Its a huge operation, 12000 m3 of woodchips every day.
Also a year ago the idea ended and was replaced with the actual fact. And it worked out pretty damn good too. We are well established in rural Alberta now, living the live we wanted, there are a few hickups but they can be overcome easily. On an acreage, 2 hectares, with a nice house on it. For some a bit to rural, for others not rural enough. So you can argue it is the right place, and for now it is. For sure. What is will bring in the future? We will and are very able to cope with that, no matter what. It has been a wise, and bold, decision. Change is good and with me that is almost allways a bold one. Lots of opportunities have gone by over the years but this one I nailed down with one big blow.