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Sunday, October 31, 2010
On request here are some pictures of trees we have dropped the last couple of weeks; it is not really the clearcuts but there are some areas that are more open now. Basically we only removed dead trees and a occasional live because I did not pay attention. Johan taught me a lot about treefelling, he is quite the expert, espcially on the direction of the drop. Not much big fellable trees are left, if any. As you can see autumn has taken over, last weeks snow already disappeared. It is a nice 12 degrees today. If you ever have to remove a tree stump you can use Stump Not or you can do it the redneck way. When you stack your firewood be sure "the space between each log is large enough for a mouse to run through, but tight enough to prevent a cat from chasing it". Look here for the complete guide on 'How To Stack Firewood'.
Oilsands and asphalt.

Why it is called the tarsands by some is unclear to me, as tar is produced by the destructive distillation of coal. Nothing to do with crude oil. So the Oilsands are not only providing gas, it provides the glue for roads also and generates a lot of jobs, hence a positive impact on the economy. I agree the Oilsands companies should also minimize their impact on the environment. As for killing birds this is a nice article to read. If you don't like it you can read another one here. The first article states wind energy companies are (I feel wrongfully) not procecuted on bird deaths. On the other hand when 300 ducks fly, land and die in a Syncrude waste water pond the company gets sued and fined a couple of million. Wind energy is so called clean. How much energy is needed to produce those windmills? Mining the ore, transporting it, producing and deforming the steel, welding it, transport to site and erecting it. Is it really neutral? What about the landscape? Horrible I say. May its better to work with instead of against the Oilsands companies. Who knows are the results, a positive impact on the environment, far beyond expectations. If you are dead-against the Oilsands anyways, take a look here.
Sharing your life on a blog.
It is fun to do, most of the time. Biggest "problem" I have is the fact you almost never get a response. This despite deliberate blunt and stupid remarks, or posts, on my part. Only 1 or 2 people respond regularly, and I do appreciate that. Maybe even because of that, who knows. But generally people do not take the time to write something down I guess. This is based on the emails I get where the last line often is something like: "I will mail you back later as I have to ..........." (do some work related task) or "I'm so busy now I will respond more extensively later". And no this is never followed up with said email, and that's a pity. So sometimes there a gaps in the blogflow (word reminds me of something :-) ) or numerous posts in a short period of time. Are people really interested in the endeavours of a 52 year old, new Canadian landed immigrant? Currently I don't care but sometimes I just wonder if I want to continue. There should be people out there who are thinking on a move like we did, even if you are "old" like us. It makes your life really interesting and it is by no means only joy and happiness; as you have to take big and difficult life changing decissions. Family-friends-son-daughter. But it is rewarding, that much I do know. And maybe a blog like mine can offer some help. Working in Canada and the way M&D looks at the drafting world made me realise there is a vast global business and drafting world where you can be a part of. And there is very much to do out there, you only have to find it. In that respect it is a pity we made this move so late in life. On the other hand you could argue we were not ready yet. But the second half will be worth the walk, for sure.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Long Term Precipitation Forecasting

The preceding methods are guaranteed (hallowed by tradition) to give accurate, timely, and precise weather information for nearly all weather needs. Oddly enough, the majority of weather superstitions cited here do have a scientific basis in fact and generally work fairly well. Had they not worked, of course, they wouldn't have been repeated and remembered."
For more extensive and other tests please take a look here. I've put the testing date in my Outlook calendar for X-mas eve. I will let know the results and I have to test it in our garage for the obvious reason. Should be fun to do the test in Holland too and keep track of the results.
Done Felling-Logging-Splitting
At last we are done cutting down trees, stumping and splitting them up and making nice stacks of firewood. All in all we have been real busy the last 7-8 weeks, as seen in previous posts. Today I finished the last stack of logs, not high quality wood, we cleaned out our little forrest, but it will generate heat and warmth in winters to come. To cut up the log in the photo you will need this chainsaw. Would be a nice Sunday afternoon job, to be rewarded with a Moose Head beer. We now have 7.3 cord of split and stacked firewood. This equals to about 26 cubic meter, it would cover the backyard of our old home at the Duikerlaan 90 cm high.
You must be thinking they have their new woodstove up and running. Wrong. For the last 4 weeks I'm trying to get a hearth pad, a aluminum checkered plate 55" by 55" by 1/4" thick. Should be easy as I work for a big steel fabricator. Wrong again. For some reason it seems impossible to get that plate. Fed up with the situation I asked someone else to get me a simple 55" by 55" by 3/16" ordinary steel plate. Yes you quessed correct, no results. So what to do? Buy one for 500 bucks? Maybe I will end up doing that. But for the now I'm patient. Really? No but I need to, do not want to spent 500 bucks on something that is almost for free. And we need it for the insurance (photo proof is required) and the county inspector to approve the building permit. It's not one of my best virtues, patience, but I'm integrating nicely here in Canada. You need to be patient here otherwise life is difficult.
You must be thinking they have their new woodstove up and running. Wrong. For the last 4 weeks I'm trying to get a hearth pad, a aluminum checkered plate 55" by 55" by 1/4" thick. Should be easy as I work for a big steel fabricator. Wrong again. For some reason it seems impossible to get that plate. Fed up with the situation I asked someone else to get me a simple 55" by 55" by 3/16" ordinary steel plate. Yes you quessed correct, no results. So what to do? Buy one for 500 bucks? Maybe I will end up doing that. But for the now I'm patient. Really? No but I need to, do not want to spent 500 bucks on something that is almost for free. And we need it for the insurance (photo proof is required) and the county inspector to approve the building permit. It's not one of my best virtues, patience, but I'm integrating nicely here in Canada. You need to be patient here otherwise life is difficult.
M&D Halloween 2010
My third Halloween at M&D's. Still I did not dress-up. Basically because I just forgot about it. I know it's a lame excuse, but true nevertheless. Just about 40-50% did dress-up, Andy (also a no) and I were discussing to propose making it mandatory next year, company wide, without the possiblity to take the day off or loose pay. Won't work probably.
Funny to see is that almost everybody plays the role of their character. Take a look at Steve Irwin, including stingray, and the surprised look on his face mimicing the real Steve. Really funny. The most funny one is "Mini Terry" getting even with the boss (the pirate left of him) for all the verbal abuse he gets when they do the invoicing; "Get the f*** out off my office before I fire you" is one of them.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Facebook Scam
The below listed message was received by Joka thru Facebook. When you see US$8.5M you tend to get greedy, right. But Google 'Clinton Tetevi' and a lot of results pop up. 'Mr. D.' always is the same, lastname and greeting varies. And when you see Togo or any other African nation, listed in email message, it almost 100% certain it's a scam. And yes this is one too. So I told him/her/it "To f*** *** and go bug his/hers/its own kind". Pretty solid English too this Clinton writes, instead of referring to 'the' accident he/she/it refers to 'an' accident; also how does a deceased customer loses his life? But then again I did not study English literature in Cambridge or Oxford. Also this character thinks highly of him/her/itself with respect to the "Ësq" title, look here.
Dear Joka Oldenburger,I am Barr.Clinton Tetevi a legal practitioner, I am the personal attorney to Mr. D.Oldenburger, a contractor and businessman.
On the 1st October 2005, our deceased customer,his wife and their only daugther were involved in an automobile accident and It was unfortunate that our deceased customer and his family all lost their lives in an accident.
Do kindly contact me directly on my private email adddress below thus:(clinton.tetevi@hotmail.
Best Regards
Clinton Tetevi (Esq)
Principal Attorney,
Lome Togo."
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Thoughts on a F350
I was at Freedom Ford last Monday when Clarence and I started discussing the 2011 F350, which sells like warm Swiss rolls. I refer to this pick-up as a true work of art. This statement started Clarence. In his book and being 35 years in the automotive business he sees every car just a a piece of metal. But the 2011 Ford pick-up models really wow him, he almost gets lyrical. Chevy tried to match and outperform the F350, wrong move; Ford sent out an invitation to all F350 owners saying at the next service they would run a code to improve power with 20 break HP, for free. Indeed more than the Chevy (Clarence claims), and lets be honest you really need the extra HP on top of the 400HP. Unfortunately there is a downside to the 2011 F350 Powerstroke V8 Diesel; service and maintenance doubles the F150 cost, at least. And with service every 8000 km that tends to be quite expensive, right. So the plans for a new F350 go into the cold Canadian winter, for the now. And 80 grand for a toy is a bit too much. So I will probably bump up my F150. I wonder why in Europe engines are downsized (1.8 ltr to 1.6 ltr) while maintaining and even improving power; here is North America engine sizes are bumped up and fuel economy improves. Ford now has 6.2 ltr a a standard. Also I wonder why Audi produces V8 and V10 R8 race monsters, nobody has a private circuit in their backyard. In my book comparable developments just to be the biggest, fastest. But I like it, a lot. Imagine owning a Audi R8 V10 and a Ford F350 V8 Diesel. Wow. It only set you back some $240.000 US.
Winter forecast.
El Nino and La Nina. Both seem to have an effect on the climate and the coming Canadian winter. I was reading an article when my eye fell on this one. The article says we had a short and warm winter last year. True or false, one day Edmonton was the second coldest town on the planet with -43 degrees Celsius. By no means warm in my book, see also this post from last year. So the forecast is a colder and snowier winter. Something Johan's cab driver tells him too; 6 foot of snow and long frequent cold snaps of minus 35 and below. We will wait and see if winters like in the sixties will return. Kinda cool if they do, right. We've got 8 cord of firewood ready. Bring it on.
Like a ton of bricks.

Sure they would, relentlessly, and rightfully so. Don't let them have their peace. They didn't care about the age of their victims. They ruined the live(s) of the innocent, so hit them full force, like a ton of bricks and throw them in a dungeon for all I care. Read full article here. Still people go to church; do they think and act alike? Interesting question: where does the phrase "Like a ton of bricks" originate? Sure hope it's not related to "stoning of" practiced in certain Middle East countries.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Porcupine on deck
Yesterday evening when Joka got ready for bed she noticed a half birdhouse only. What the heck? On a closer look she discovered a porcupine was all over this birdhouse, probably looking for food. It was the second time that evening it visited us. Earlier Johan and Emma also had seen him (or her?). Not a very bright picture, a nice impression though. I had to ran outside, in my underware, to take this snapshot. Next time I will try to take a better one. Don't let your dog play with one, he/she will regret it. Look here. This is a nice site to learn about a porcupine.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Log Home
I'm jealous. Of birds and their Rollyview build log-home. Maybe one day we will build one of our own, that'll be the day, a log-home that is. It would be nice on a quarter (160 acres=64 hectares) close to the Rockies on a mountain-side. We found this birdhouse at Peavey's in Leduc. Or we build it here in Rollyview on our property, better is to sell this and start anew from scratch. This is a nice site to take a look at some log-homes. Dream away.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Our Log Splitting Operation
The new woodstove needs some firewood to burn. And we come prepared as you can see on the photo. But wait there is more. Actually it is fun to do; from standing tree to 10 foot logs, into footlong stubs, to splitting it. All wood shown on the photos is free of charge, most of it is from our acreage. All in all we have about 3 cord of wood (it fills our previous back-garden in Maarn), 1 cord is already seasoned from last year. So we are winter ready you might say. I am planning to keep the stove running 24/7, don't know if that works out to be feasable. Time will tell.
To speed up the log cutting operation I have decided to buy a new chainsaw. Please take a look here for info on this beast of a saw. Only in the US, no saw pants or safety goggles, just jeans and a t-shirt, probably sawpants are useless here as you will be cut in half in a blink of the eye. But this chainsaw would suit me, V8 cutting power.
This is even a better cutting/splitting/sorting device. My 3-ton electric log-splitter from the Co-op Wetaskiwin suits us very well at a fraction of the cost from aforementioned professional device.
To speed up the log cutting operation I have decided to buy a new chainsaw. Please take a look here for info on this beast of a saw. Only in the US, no saw pants or safety goggles, just jeans and a t-shirt, probably sawpants are useless here as you will be cut in half in a blink of the eye. But this chainsaw would suit me, V8 cutting power.
This is even a better cutting/splitting/sorting device. My 3-ton electric log-splitter from the Co-op Wetaskiwin suits us very well at a fraction of the cost from aforementioned professional device.
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