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Thursday, March 11, 2010

$$ I hear you thinking

No, we did not talk money. No need to. Why? The last 14-15 months Waiward and M&D have kept me and the current group of people employed, despite the fact there is not that much work; hence hardly any earnings. So money-talk is not justified in my opinion and if they suggest a raise I will just flatly decline. One needs to stay with M&D for at least a year and a half to repay them when we get busy again, if you have any decency and responsibility towards your employer this goes without question and without a pay raise. Probably I am pretty much alone in that department. However this is the only approach that is justifiable for me.


dk said...

congratulations on your next step

dk said...

money will follow on success

Unknown said...

Money talks and bullshit walks. ;-) Just kidding gland to see some people still got morals! Grtz Gregor

Focus2Go said...

lange termijn denken, prima!