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Friday, August 21, 2009

Just a funny observation

I'm waiting for Joka to pick her up from work. At a certain point a large, 5 inch raised 23 inch tyred fire-red Dodge Ram 3500 Turbo Diesel shows up, right in front of me. In it sits a tough guy, mirrored sunglasses and a cap, broad shouldered. Wonder where he is going. The door opens and with that tough guy comes a little Spaniel with a lovely red leach, it matches his truck. Is he? No, not in a tough truck like that. He enters the PetSmart. For a wash and a groom? It looks like the dog has been groomed recently. A couple of minutes later he re-appears with a big bag of dogfood on his shoulder and the red-leashed Spaniel is walking cheerfully besides him. He puts the dog-food in the trunk and of course the Spaniel takes the front seat, and with a lot of noise he drives off. It is always funny to watch people, you never know what comes next or what to expect.

1 comment:

Marco Schriek said...

I indeed envy his exhausts, the raise, is too much. But the sound is awesome. One day ......