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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Lower back X-ray

Yesterday I was at the chiropractor's again, I have to go twice every week now. But it helps greatly, I can walk for over an hour without lower back-pain, this was not possible the last couple of years. I remembered they had an CD with X-rays. "Take it, it's yours anyways". So now I can share an X-ray of my lower back. You can see disc #3 and #4 from below are starting to grow towards each other and, without treatment, they will soon become one. Causing a lot of trouble, potentially. The cartilage in between seems stuck also. The main goal of the chiropractor is to get all the discs moving again and in that way releasing the nerves so freedom of movement will improve. So far he is doing a great job with me. His assistant, Serena, knows 2000 patients by name from the get-go, amazing.
Also in one of his treatment rooms there is a nice quote from Thomas Edison (1847-1931): "The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease". I suppose there is a lot of truth in this quote. It is not a painful experience, at the crack-man as I call him, there are only the popping sounds of which you know it will reduce, if not end, the pain. At least for a improving length of time, until it becomes just maintenance every once and a while. Good call on March 17th to go see the crack-man.

1 comment:

Focus2Go said...

Succes er maar mee. De CP deed het bij mij in het begin prima, maar na een een paar behandelingen deed mijn rug meer zeer dan daar voor. Manueel therapie is net even wat rustiger en daar had/heb ik meer baat bij. Prima dat er keuzes zijn.