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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Return for refund if applicable

Here in Canada you have to pay a refundable charge on almost every plastic bottle you buy, the small ones and beer cans included, large ones go for half a buck small ones only for 10 cents. Not to worry, it's a nice savings account when you return all those to the bottle depot. And money is literally on the streets here, as is probably also is in NL. Back in 2007, on our RV trip, I saw trucks filled with bottles go by, wtf?. They picked them up from the streets and garbage cans, a now I know a truck load is worth a couple of 100 dollars, and that's easy money, right? British Columbia and the Parks are clean, because of the bears. Here in Alberta it sometimes looks like a bloody junkyard. People throw everything, sofas and garbage-bags included, just beside the roads, just guess what is happening to the bags with all the coyotes we have here and take another guess of what happens to those coyotes when they come too close to or even into the city, Correct, boom-boom, you're dead. I am no environmental geek but this is a step to far, just take the effort to take it to the landfill and dispose of it. In some ways Canada is almost a third world country; you can let an old car rust until it disappears into the ground, nobody cares; with the refundable plastic bottles on the other hand they are ahead of the game; so there is a balance.

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