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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Like a ton of bricks.

From ''Willen de slachtoffers echt dat een priester van 85 jaar oud aan de schandaal wordt genageld?'' (This is asked by the same idiot (moron, sob, bastard) who claims aids is some kind of justification. Look here.)
Sure they would, relentlessly, and rightfully so. Don't let them have their peace. They didn't care about the age of their victims. They ruined the live(s) of the innocent, so hit them full force, like a ton of bricks and throw them in a dungeon for all I care. Read full article here. Still people go to church; do they think and act alike? Interesting question: where does the phrase "Like a ton of bricks" originate? Sure hope it's not related to "stoning of" practiced in certain Middle East countries.

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