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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Long Term Precipitation Forecasting

"To determine the rainfall for the coming year do the following: between 11:00pm and midnight on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve (the Authorities are divided over the proper time) take a dozen onions, cut off their tops and scoop out a depression in their centers, and line them up in an east-west orientation. Then place an equal amount of salt in each depression. Don't look at them until the next morning when you'll find that the salt has dissolved to varying degrees in each onion. The more water in each onion the wetter the corresponding month will be in the coming year.
The preceding methods are guaranteed (hallowed by tradition) to give accurate, timely, and precise weather information for nearly all weather needs. Oddly enough, the majority of weather superstitions cited here do have a scientific basis in fact and generally work fairly well. Had they not worked, of course, they wouldn't have been repeated and remembered."
For more extensive and other tests please take a look here. I've put the testing date in my Outlook calendar for X-mas eve. I will let know the results and I have to test it in our garage for the obvious reason. Should be fun to do the test in Holland too and keep track of the results.

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