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Friday, September 25, 2009

24 Years

Bloody hell, what a long time. But still going strong on a different continent even. Who would have thought back then we would end up here, some 5000 miles away. Meanwhile the location we had our party, "Huize Den Treek", has been sold to the previous owner of "Tuut-tuut, Super De Boer" who restored (or still is restoring) the place to its old grandeur. But anyways here we are, 24 years later, in Rolly View, Alberta, Canada. Back then the travel and/or immigration plans were out of the window (forgotten, chickened out... or whatever). A, then, friend of ours did go to New Zealand, never heard of or seen him again (I tried twice though, even sent him a moving card).
There was a little setback, workwise, the last couple of weeks. As always we will overcome it and turn it into a positive development. There are so many dogs out here who need a grooming and Joka can provide just that. When we met in 1980 she recented dogs and took a hike when she saw one. The German shepard dog, Imme, we had back then broke the ice for her and she found her way with dogs. Even better, the dogs found and find her. Clearly she is a natural, even overcoming Rottweiler fear.
Next year I will post a proper wedding-photo on out 25th. By the way I have no clue as to the contents of the above kit. Any ideas?


dk said...

it can contain

inflatable doll
inflatable strip tease act
a ticket to the tropics:

Mara said...

Happy anniversary!