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Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yesterday we had a combined birthday party with Ralf and Anke. Also present was another German couple with their 14 year old son. At a certain point in the conversations mum was saying he should take lessons to keep up with his German speaking and writing skills. Everybody was in favour of that, except (of course?) me. He is 14 years old, picking up English very rapidly, learning new words and phrases without knowing the German equivalent, his pronounciation is excellent (we as adults will never accomplish that, we're to old) and then sent him off learning German? For what reason? Because it is his mothertonque? Maybe he needs it in the future for translations or if he wants to go back to Germany was argued. No valid reasons in my book. He is 14, transforming rapidly into a English speaking 14 year old. Why hold on to something so desperately when you left in search for a better future in the first place. He is embracing it, coping with it and by the looks of it, loving every moment of it. No I would definitly NOT sent him off to re-learn German, but as Joka says "You detach easily!"


Joke Oldenburger said...

Het gaat erom dat je je roots niet vergeet. Het is je moedertaal. Het is altijd goed meerdere talen te kunnen spreken en schrijven!

Marco Schriek said...

He builds a additional root-system here at the age of 14, he won't forget his German one. He needs to cope with life in Canada, thats difficult enough. And sending him off learning German only confuses him.

Marco Schriek said...

But I agree, we disagree on this subject.