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Monday, September 7, 2009

Our mount

It's finally done. The previous owner, Glen who is a plumber, finished constructing the septic-tank mount. And a mount it is. About 15 meters long and 6 wide. A huge thing. The county required it, based on our 4 bathrooms, to be this size. The county inspector, this was his first mount, is on a mission. It needs to be fully up to standards otherwise he will not approve it. Which in turn costs Glen his plumbing ticket (permit) and has to apply for a new one. So it is serious business to please this inspector. $10.000 dollars of gravel, sand, gravel-sand and black soil went into/on it, along with quite the sum of hours. Way more then he ever expected at the time we closed the deal. $2500 would do, before he met the inspector, that is. Done by a contractor the mount would set you back $25000 at least. We are very happy to have made this mount part of the contract and to have Bruce inspect the septic-tank. That was $200 very well spend.
Depending on the type of septic you have, a drain field or a mount is used. We have the latter, and you could describe it as a above ground septic field. It takes all the liquids, pumped out of the tanks and distributed thru a internal pipe system across the mount. The white pipes are there in case of an infarct and are then used to dotter the mount. Seeding the grass is the last thing required but we wait for some rain and for the mount to settle a bit.


Marco Schriek said...

By the way, the title reminds me of the Madness song "Our House".

dk said...

but htat was in the middle of a street!

had email contact with Gert, after i read your blog about his book.

still a nice fellow

peter de wit said...

Ha, jullie met je schijtberg...
Misschien kan je er een touristische attractie van maken?

