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Thursday, September 3, 2009

A year ago

Don't know if its a coincidence or just plain luck, today I received my official business card from M&D. Probably this means they want to keep me. A few months ago I also did receive my name tage, to be attached to my cubicle. So it is not really an issue, right.
Today I went way up north, 2 hours drive to a woodchip mill in Boyle, also this was my first field/site trip. Yes a coordinator goes around these days, eh. This is a nice animation on how they operate, it is like the mill The Axman (Discovery Channel) talk about. Its a huge operation, 12000 m3 of woodchips every day.
Also a year ago the idea ended and was replaced with the actual fact. And it worked out pretty damn good too. We are well established in rural Alberta now, living the live we wanted, there are a few hickups but they can be overcome easily. On an acreage, 2 hectares, with a nice house on it. For some a bit to rural, for others not rural enough. So you can argue it is the right place, and for now it is. For sure. What is will bring in the future? We will and are very able to cope with that, no matter what. It has been a wise, and bold, decision. Change is good and with me that is almost allways a bold one. Lots of opportunities have gone by over the years but this one I nailed down with one big blow.


Marco Schriek said...

And on top of all the above the sun was heating up Edmonton and areas to a lousy 32 degrees Celcius. Luckily for me we were in airconditioned environments almost all day. Except when visiting the mill where is it hot and moist anyways. I had to climb a 200 meter conveyor-belt; I have to pickup cycling again, I was sweating and puffing like a steamtrain. But no setbacks, all is still open and flowing. I am cutting down on medication though, Atenolol again halved to 12.5 mg. Maybe I am able to stop it completely, and that is good news for the s-life, right!?!?

Focus2Go said...

I am still at the 100mg ... Should I move as well?

Best, Luuc

Marco Schriek said...

Do it slowly and watch/feel the effect. Make a move every 2 months or so. 1 step at the time.

Anonymous said...

Still missing the B-BE or don't they use it overthere? ;-)
